bc303 mbc303 BC303, tranzisztor ; Feszültség: 85 V ; Áramerősség: 1 A ; Teljesítmény :. 6 W ; Frekvencia: 100 MHz ; Tokozás: TO-39.
bc303 slot The BC 303 and BC 304 are silicon planar epitaxial PNP transistors in TO-39 metal case. They are intended particularly as audio driver stages in mercial Replacement and Equivalent for BC303 transistor. You can replace the BC303 with the 2N5323, BC161 or BC461. If you find an
bc303 Application LOW-AND MEDIUM POWER TRANSISTORS. Device Types : BC303 60V, 500mA. BC304 45V, 500mA. See the data sheet for BC303, BC304. Replacement and Equivalent for BC303 transistor. You can replace the BC303 with the 2N5323, BC161 or BC461. If you find an